Mille Engberg Lundt : Movement
Deborah Lennie : Voice
Patrice Grente : Sound
Nicolas Bordes : Lighting
Christophe Bisson: Film
Sonia Chiambretto* : text, extracts from
Chutes Frontières, Zéro Gravité.

INTIME_EXTIME is a trip. A trip into memory perhaps? This original text by Sonia Chiambretto, one of the formost contempory writers in france at the moment, brings us to the border of our imagination, where the lines aren't quite straight, where everything feels a little unstable, where the ground could fall away from beneath our feet, where standing up can become a struggle. A struggle against what? Against falling in... Maybe.
I'll go there, won't go there
I'll settle there, won't settle there
I'll go there, won't go there
I'll settle there, won't settle there
When you have somewhere
You're not the same
As someone who doesn't
I know places that I'm tied to

*Sonia Chiambretto is represented by l'Arche theatrical agency
FOR WANT OF A BETTER is grateful for the support of the Théâtre du Champ Exquis for two pieces : INTIME_EXTIME et TENDRE BUTTONS
(à venir)
FOR WANT OF A BETTER would also like to thank the Panta Théâtre for their generous support during residencies.