DEBORAH LENNIE : voice+text
FRED HOCKE: images
vsclick to read
The TERRA DOMICILIUS project took place from the 14th- 28th of Octobre 2013 from Caen, Normandie to Macedonia. It ended with two performances in Macédoine,first in Skopje as part of the festival LOKOMOTION and the second at Bitola programmed at the Cultural Centre of Bitola. The work rocess of the company remains the same as our past few projects: the road towards our performances is the material for our performance. The final form is created using only the material we collect on the way. Film, sound, recordings, texts written...everything we use in the performance has been created with what we find on our way. And so, through the people, landscapes, sounds, light, architecture, situations we live on the road certain themes emerge resonating with our artistic concerns. There is therefore a direct link between the performance and the public present. Certain landscapes are familiar, they can recognise faces, architecture, sounds, atmospheres. The performance therefore becomes intimate and public at the same time, and concerned by what is happening in the performance. The experience of the performance becomes in a certain sense an experience of their own life, from a different perspective. The place as a "member of the audience" has a different sense, and the barrier between performance and everyday life becomes porous. For the audience and for ourselves.

P: reverb
F: lux 3
D: mic
"But the grey road just seemed very ... long.
That's because it was.
It most certainly was a very
long ... road.
And it was grey.
There could be in the minds of the three, absolutely no doubt about the quite simple and obvious fact that this road
was ... long.
Nor could there be in the minds of the three, more than a very small, yet somewhat reasonable doubt that the road
was ... grey.
And the very small, yet somewhat reasonable doubt came about because from time to time, there was a little bit of black on the runningness of the road.
And it seemed from time to time and only a very short time, a split second perhaps, that this very small bit of the road could quite reasonably be thought to be black.
But almost immediately, this stubborn little bit of black on the runningness of the road quickly became grey again.
And so the very small, yet somewhat reasonable doubt, in the minds of the three concerning the greyness of the very long road, was actually quite a short-lived doubt and did not trouble them very much at all."

workspace Skopje

"When Ivan-definitely-not-a-cow walked into Milos' restaurant,
he did definitely not expect to meet these three, who were definitely not on holidays,
despite their whopping big tripod and their camera.
And these three did definitely not expect to sleep in the house of Konak Perjanik that very night.
Definitely not.
But they did.
They slept in the house of Konak Perjanikguardian-to-the-king
that very night.
They slept in the first house. Not in the second.
The first house, Konak Perjanik guardian-to-the-king had given to Ivan. Ivan was his son.